First Time Home Buyer in 2017

I'm a first-time homebuyer, and Stefania + the Philly Home Girls walked me through what ended up being a very complex process. Throughout all the showings, Stefania + PHG really proved their worth when a shady appraiser through a wrench into the works. Long story short - an appraiser that neither the seller/myself had randomly shown up and grossly missappraised the house. Stefania worked tirelessly to keep the deal alive. This appraiser proved incredibly challenging to work with, but again Stefania and PHG relentlessly advocated on my behalf to ensure that the deal stayed alive and ensure that I ultimately was able to purchase the house. 

Without Stef + PHG, I absolutely would not be living comfortably in Fishtown today! You can trust them to handle any home purchase. Mine was as complex as it gets, and they aced it. 

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