Moving in Philly: Temporary No Parking Permits

Should you get a street closure permit to move in Philadelphia? If you are moving to a neighborhood where street parking is plentiful, it might not be necessary. Otherwise, it costs $25-$50 to get a Temporary No Parking permit. If you think that is worth it to avoid getting yelled at for blocking through traffic, annoying your new neighbors, stressing out about finding a spot close to your new home or possibly getting a ticket, we would say yes.

 Philadelphia has seen an increase of people and cars over the past several years. Add that to narrow, one-way streets, bus-only curbs, and construction, and you get maxed-out parking in most neighborhoods. The city has even started to increase citations in center city for double-parking, parking in no-parking zones, and other violations that cause traffic congestion. Even if you’ve moved within the city before with no issues, moving today may be a different story. There are several types of street closure permits you may need, but typically all you need is the Temporary No Parking permit. It is the same permit you will need if you get a dumpster or storage POD.

Here is our step-by-step guide to getting a permit:

1. Fill out the application on the Streets Department website

Philadelphia charges $50.00 per day in Center City and $25.00 per day for each 40-ft. spot (2 parking spaces.) An average moving truck is 80-ft. so make sure you get the correct amount of space.

2. The Streets Department will email your invoice (about four days after your application is sent.)

3. After payment is made, they will email you copies of your permits (one for each 40’ span)

That look like this:

4. Call the nearest police station, to see if they have the Temporary No Parking signs in stock. If so, print out your permit and head over to pick them up. If they don’t have any signage on hand they’ll direct you to purchase your own signs at a retailer nearby.

5. Fill out the signs with the info from your permits then secure them where everyone can see.

Why not tie it with a bow?

6. Before your truck arrives, be prepared with your permits on hand to get any stray vehicles out of the way. If you call the non-emergency line for your local police district, you can ask if someone can help you locate the owners of any cars still parked in your spot. Yes, if you paid for the permit, you have the right to that space for the designated time, but sometimes people forget to move their car, or they have an emergency. These are your new neighbors after all so be gracious. You may need to borrow some sugar in a few weeks.

Then you have to actually empty the truck now, but moving companies are great for that. Here are some we recommend:

Mambo Movers 215-670-9535 

Old City Movers 267-205-5209

Navis Pack & Ship 610-534-0750