I could not be more pleased with my Philly Home Girls experience--I recommend them to all my friends and colleagues!

I could not be more pleased with my Philly Home Girls experience--I recommend them to all my friends and colleagues!

It took us more than 14 months and seven offers (all through a global pandemic!) to land our dream home, and we will forever be grateful to both Kate and Pete for their unflagging optimism, kindness, and expertise.

Thank you to Jeanne for your leadership, Kate for your kindness, and Jessica for providing clear and concise steps to settlement.

Thank you to Jeanne for your leadership, Kate for your kindness, and Jessica for providing clear and concise steps to settlement.

Jeanne and her team are professional, knowledgeable, and supportive. My husband and I found a home about a week after the seminar. Kate took over as our realtor and 8 weeks from our first contact, we are homeowners!